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Old 04-20-2008, 10:16 PM   #35
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: duquesne pa 15110
Posts: 135 is on a distinguished road
Default pls lit me give you a lil insight

ok just for the sake of being a pain in the but looking ahead. pretend the head is now off. it would behove you to stip of the not needed stuf attached to it!!!! no dont rip into it just get the attached stuff of ie: termo stat houseing egr valve, any ports like heater hoses. just take it all the way down to the head it self. buy a complete upper head gassket set and now for the painfull part [ok call me names] its realy not that bad just like to exagerate. buy the head and gassket set. dont forget the valve seals. AND have the head cheched at a machine shop. they will pressure check it to see if is cracked. if it is wrarped. they will plain it down to take the warp out. they will also reinstall your valve seels. doing this job w/out making sure there are no problems you dont see. WILL result in you doing the job over again and i am sure you dont want to do that. where i live it costs about a $100 to have the head done right. ohhh buy the way if you take them the parts you took off. and dont act the fool they might put all your parts back on w/the new gaskets you provide for them. but it is money well spent. it would suck so bad if you put it back togather only to find out your head should have been plained and that dam seal wont hold any thing. get a book and follow the tightening sequence and the tork specks. oh and it is a good idea to buy new head bolts that are already pre-streeched. hope i was some help and good luck.... dont forget to get all the old gaskut matterial off. the head will come baack soo cleal you could eat of it. now the bottom end will be cruddy. snap on sells a gaskut remover that cant be beat. not sure anyone eles sells them but if you can find it cheaper go for it snap on guys try to snap you bank account
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