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Old 07-18-2005, 11:49 AM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Northern Realm of Or?g?n
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Metalluthier is on a distinguished road

Originally posted by zmatt@Jul 18 2005, 06:57 AM
The engine was running perfectly before it blew. Anyone have any sugestions?

my friend said that his mechanic could do a cast iron weld on it? or sompthing like that
No, never try to fix anything that way. If a real mechanic saw that car, he wouldn't think to weld it, he would REPLACE it. I bought a car with a cracked head once, and I later found out that the previous owner's mechanic welded it back up (Which never works) it caused engine damage. I almost wrecked into a truck when I was going 30mph and the engine decided to die. I love going 30 with no power steering or working brakes. Damn E-break never works.............

Replace the block

Graveland - Crown Heroic my Departure
"I am a man and I hold in my hand my fate" - Quorthon
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