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Old 04-21-2008, 06:21 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2008
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slader99 is on a distinguished road
Default 87 Supra Wiring Harness

Hey all,

Need some help on the old 7mgte wiring harness... Spun a rod bearing and am now about ready to turn the beast over and I have a section of the wiring harness that I cant figure out....

So the section runs from the main harness towards the tranny... (its a manual) it has the neutral connection, a 4 section rectangular plug, the brown connector for the starter, and 4 wirings going to a double ring lug connection. Two of the wires are brown with black stripes, the other two possibly white with red.... Its about the same length as the brown connection to the starter.

What is this lug for, and where does it go? Thanks for any and all help.... I will try to attach a pic of the connector from the intake manifold down....


Colin Slade
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