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Old 04-29-2008, 03:14 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default Starting isssues and spark knock Q's

Hi everyone first post!
My name is zach and ive pretty much read all of the MKIII threads and posts. Most of which the replies are completely incoherent. Anyways, so more recently than ever I have had some starting issues. For example car will start fine all day, then sit over night and the starting problem occurs in the morning. I know it completly has to do with the electronic ignition, because if i had a distributor my grief would be much less. SO come out in morning try to crank the engine and all i get is the starter pushing the little engine that could deal (i think i can i think i can) I get out pop the hood and just jiggle the wiring harness that crosses over the valve covers. Jump back in the car give it a crank second later engine starts right up! Im guessing my 20 year old wiring harness is just having its last gulps of life. Anyone have a EDUCATED response no beat around the bush guesses?

Next point of intrest: My engine had a slight knock inbetween 2 and 3 thousand RPM. My brother-in-law a master tech at chevy said it was spark plug knock AKA Detonation. Went to the store bought new plugs and pulled the old ones. Old ones had they symptoms of detonation white, chalky electrodes. We stole some chevy octane booster (you cant get this stuff even if you ask a dealership, for tech peep only ) and I then filled up with 93 octane. As of this point I still have the knock but now only between 2 and 2500 RPM. Any ideas? Next should I check the EGR function, and also check the funtions of the knock sensors. If the Knock sensors were operational should it not detect this knock and retard the air/fuel mixture? any ideas after that? Thanks
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