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Old 04-29-2008, 11:51 PM   #11
3" Exhaust
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Alright sorry about the arguing, but lets be adults and put the differences behind us and focus at the subject at hand...(its called stress and it came out and now i have calmed down, got a beer so lets talk)

So belive done, and your advice and tips are much appreciated...Thanks

Ok i guess im going to factor out spark knock and this is exactly what is sounds like but i do not have the noise at idle..just on rev starting at 2grand....YouTube - Supra Knock?

if you think this is rod knock, im going to pull the oil pan this weekend and check the bearings

PS. I know this is off subject but, my seals and bearings are shot in my turbo and i was researching rebuild kits, and found this site. The have complete reman ct26 turbo with brand new CHRA as of march and you can even upgrade your trim sizes just a cool site i would share. Home

Last edited by spudz29212MKIII; 04-29-2008 at 11:55 PM.
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