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Old 04-30-2008, 12:29 AM   #15
3" Exhaust
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LOL nope but I have a bad case of insomnia and addicted to adderall.

Funny thing you should mention oil pressure. I have 2 gauges one in the dash cluster and another aftermarket mounted next to shifter.

Dash cluster has never worked and aftermarket one never has correct readings it just fluctuates rapidly then will sit steady then go crazy again. Its the OilPresSender connection i think its gone bad.

Timing checked mechanica

And no since its my first day trying to diagnos this knock i have yet to listen. I did a redneck check put screwdriver on valve covers rev'd it up and it didnt seem to be louder.

Edit: Oh the wieght i use is 20w-50 i live down in South Carolina and trust me one of the hottest places in america 100 degree weather with 95% humidity...feels like 120 degrees..

Last edited by spudz29212MKIII; 04-30-2008 at 12:31 AM.
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