Well, here is the latest update. I decided to start with checking the cam sensor and I think I found a problem. When I test the pickup coils for resistance as per the tsrm, I have all the correct readings except between plug terminal NE and G. Between G1 and G I had 174 ohms and between G2 and G i also had around 175 ohms. But when I checked NE and G I had an OL reading on the meter indicating excessive resistance or even an open. So I figure this can't be good and head to the local junk yard to find a cam sensor. Luckly I found one, but it looked in worse condition then mine. I bought it thinking I can make one good one out of both. The ohms checked ok on the junk yard unit so I swaped the internals into my housing. I am going to test it out tommrrow and I'll let you all know how it goes. If it still dosent start, then I guess I'll move on to the ignitor. Do you all think that my problem with the cam sensor could prevent the car from getting spark? And also, now that the resistance readings are ok, can the sensor still be faulty? Thanks