Thread: tail light
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Old 05-02-2008, 07:14 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: DFW Texas
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Subjug4tor is on a distinguished road
Default tail light

Okay, I have a odd problem with my passenger side taillight/brake light on my new '88 turbo. When I have the headlights on, the taillight comes on and works fine. When I hit the brakes with the lights off, the brake light comes on like normal. Heres the weird part- if my headlights are on and I push my brake, that passenger light goes out altogether, totally dark. When I take my foot off the brake, the taillight comes back on normally.

Anyone have any Ideas?

Also, my alarm functions fine, but when I hit my horn, nothing happens. I heard that they have separate horns, is this true? I have replaced my horn fuse to no avail as well. When I hit the horn button, I can hear what sounds like a relay clicking in the dash or maybe under the hood, but no beep.

I need to get this thing inspected, so any ideas would be most helpful.
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