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Old 05-06-2008, 12:49 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Indiana
Posts: 4
targaiii is on a distinguished road
Default Theft Deterrent Woes

I have an 87 nonturbo that has been parked for a while. I hooked the battery back up and, of course, the theft deterrent system locked out the starter relay. Usually this is remedied by locking the car and unlocking the drivers' door with the key to "unlock" the theft deterrent too. Unfortunately, the key lock on the drivers' side door is broken and won't open with the key. I read that the passenger's door will work too, but mine won't. Same story with the rear hatch. This is a total race car, so to hell with the security.... I just want to start the damn thing..... Tried cutting the wires to the key lock and trying different combo's with no success.

Anybody run into this?
I'll listen to anyone who has a good idea of where to look or what to cut.... Thanks.
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