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Old 05-14-2008, 04:07 AM   #14
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: canada
Posts: 26
slader99 is on a distinguished road

Well if you have eliminated any possibily of water in your rear quarters or under the spare tire and determined that the sound is coming from the front engine compartment its begining to sound like a cooling system.

Can I suggest that the next morning before you start the car to pop the radiator cap off and check the level of coolant in the rad. Be sure to top off the fluid if it is low, then replace the rad and check the overflow. Top it off as well. After you have performed these tasks check the rad and overflow again in a few days (make sure the car is cold!!).

The rad and or overflow being low would indicate a problem. When your coolant comes up to temp water is pushed from the rad, past the rad cap and into the overflow. After the car cools down that same rad fluid should be forced back into the rad by the suction of the cooling water (cold water takes up less space than hot water). If the level is low on your radiator you are A) leaking or burning coolant B) leaking combustion gas into your cooling system thus displacing water or C) You have a problem with your rad cap and or overflow hose (a nick in the hose would prevent water from returning to the rad after the engine cools down).

A) and B) could both be an indication of a headgasket issue.....
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