Originally Posted by Kyrstie
...#2WHat are some typical problems that occur with most Supras?...
If it's unmodified, well-maintained, and low-to-mid mileage, there are no serious problems that occur with most Mkiv Supra TTs. Really!
High mileage (>150K miles) Mkiv Supra TT's can be prone to a few relatively minor issues, depending upon how hard they've been driven. One example is the harmonic dampener - it typically should be replaced at this mileage. Also consider the coilpacks at this mileage to be a 'consumable', and they should be replaced too. Keep an eye on the turbos, as they can possibly fail this 'early' if driven hard. On the other hand, I've seen the oem twins last over 200K miles if not 'abused'. The oem bov will probably start leaking a bit of boost (i.e. slightly limit your max boost) at 100K or so. Other that that, it's pretty much normal maintenance (and associated problems if proper maintenance has not been done on that particular vehicle).