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Old 05-17-2008, 12:58 AM   #14
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: SLO
Posts: 234
CyFi6 is on a distinguished road

dont forget all the other gaskets in the engine, im doing my head gasket right now and thought i could skimp through it without replacing all the gaskets, but i soon found half of them rip apart when simply taking things apart. Also, what if you pull the head and its warped beyond specs allow, and the head is garbage? What if valves are burnt, what if cylinder walls are scored. These are just a few things you wont know until you have it apart and are deep in shit. Not to mention hoses, lines, wires and random shit that usually will break. If you want it to run for 2 weeks, sure, you can probably do that for as much as a head gasket. Will it be leaking and burning fluids? Most likely. Youl end up doing all this work for 2 weeks of driving, and after that you will have to do it all over again.
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