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Old 05-20-2008, 04:29 PM   #148
1000whp postwhore
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The gurgling behind the dash is what I call the ''waterfall''.
It means you have an air bubble in your coolant system.

Fill the catch can with a 50/50 mix.
Jack the nose up. And remove the radiator cap. While the engine is cool.

Inspect the cap. Particularly the rubber stopper.
If it's cracked and hard and worn or fatigued. You could be sucking pirate air into the system. Caps are like 15$ from the dealership.

If it looks good and you aren't getting buubles.
Go back to filling the catch can with 50/50 and drive normal.
Watching your instrument clusters and if all's well after your build.

The engine will work the bubble out on it's own.

If you actually have to ''burp'' at this point. That could be a sign that something is wrong. And you should inspect more deeply.

These ofcourse are opinions and there is a reason they are free.
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