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Old 05-22-2008, 03:35 PM   #53
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: New Orleans, La
Posts: 6
blackturbo1 is on a distinguished road
Default no start and knock problems

Hey Zack, just to put my two cents in;

If you can wiggle the wire and you get started I would suspect a corroded connection at the cam sensor. Unplug the connector at the sensor and check for corrosion and clean as needed. As for the harness, it's easy to trace continuity in the wires with an ohm-meter.

When did you notice the knock? Has it been there since you got the car or is it something new? Is it a hard, heavy knock, light and intermittent, does it occur every cam sequence or crank sequence? Give a little (or a lot)more info, i.e. describe the noise in detail for we cannot hear or see what you hear and see.

As for those who want to call you on the carpet for not turning your own wrenches, thank god you have a job and are a responsible person!

Hope this helps.
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