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Old 05-25-2008, 03:28 PM   #150
3" Exhaust
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Originally Posted by Andy C View Post
as I found out after doing the Lexus Riemer upgrade.
The Lexus Riemer upgrade, is called as the two words stand for the most important ingredients: Lexus for the Lexus Air flow meter and Riemer for Reg Riemer, a Supra enthusiast from the states.
With this upgrade we replace the air flow meter of the Toyota Supra with one from a Lexus LS-400. This air flow meter is completely interchangeable with the Supra one; the electronics on the airflow meter even has the same serial number!
The only difference the Lexus AFM has with the one from the Supra is the size. The Lexus AFM is approximately 25% bigger, so the amount of air measured is about 25% less than the 'real' airflow.
Now when the computer gets this tampered signal, it will control the fuel injectors as if 25% less air was taken in; the duty cycle will drop with approximately 25% as well. Your car will run way too lean. To compensate this lean condition, the Lexus Riemer modification will tell you to replace your stock fuel injectors with 550cc fuel injectors.

With this Lexus AFM, do I use the stock AFM sensor (black electrical box)??

I'm thinking about getiing a AEM EMS (stand alone engine management).
I wonder if I can effectively map my air/fuel mixtures with this EMS without buying a Lexus AFM. What do you think.

I already have 550cc injectors, running lean with slight mis-fire especially noticeable at idle. Can you suggest a good place to buy this Lexus AFM and if I need a Lexus sensor? Maybe I make that change and everthing is great and I skip the EMS purchase. (save tons of money)
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