Thanks for such a quick reply suprra_girl. I was wondering after owning three all the same, but both my turbos were roughly the same milage (70,000) and the na is 110,000 so maybe the wear was similar. I am glad that yours does the same, well maybe not glad...i should say relieved
I really like these cars that is why i have had three (had a MA61 before that) I bought a 1990 MA70 turbo in 1995, then i emigrated to the US and bought a 1990 MA71 turbo over there, now i'm back in the UK

(luckly i kept my UK 90 turbo) and now run a rather rough 1990 na for the winter cuz i never drive my lovelly pristine turbo on the salty winter roads. Had to rebuild the heads on both turbo cars and had to put a new short motor in my UK turbo cuz the previous owner had got it so hot when the HG blew that it warped the block!
Don't have any pics, but if anyone is interested i'll take some..