Originally Posted by suprabahamut
I had my oil changed the first time, because a certain shop not to name any names was having a cheep price. I usually change my own oil on all my vehicles. But I was lazy. So last month when I went to change it myself with synthetic it took me 2 hours to get the filter off. Yes really mostly ,because I lost my filter wrench so I kept on turning on it with my hands till I just gave up and went and got a filter wrench. That was the hardest filter to get off I twisted so hard that the old filter began to crush in with the wrench. In the end it finally came off bent and crushed. I decided to use K&N after this and never leave my car at a place after that. When I went to that certain shop, Turns out the guys that put it on, used a wrench and a cheater bar to make it tight so it would not leak? Yeah What? I talked to the guys that were doing oil changes for the last couple months. And he said he remembers he worked on it. And told me that for the last months they put them on extra tight and the story. So for every one out there if you can change your own oil or keep it at a shop so this don't happen to you.
I would venture to say that they put it on extra tight so you would have to return to them to have them get it off on the next change. Just me being cynical.
I did'nt have quite as hard a time as you did, but the filter is the hardest by far, that I've ever had to mess with. I got it off from under the car without having to take off anything, but oil does get all over the place. I can't really explain how I did it other than I'm glad I have small hands. Good luck on your next change, I'm sure it'll go a bit more smooth.