supra wasn't raped, like you said, he stopped for some reason. gave it the launch then backed off almost instantly. possibilities are he felt it wheelspin, so stopped; popped 1st gear, which is possible; something happened to the engine; didn't feel like it was a good launch; something put him off; list goes on. when you see the first part of the vid, they both launched pretty even, and thats the hard part against a n/a big block v8 due to their responce. end of the day, supra backed off, camaro got the "win" end of story.
there is a reason it was locked, these forums are not in place to start flame wars between different vehicle owners, they are here for common vehicle owners to get together and share info. i know for a fact that suze would back up the flame war, but being the main mod of this forum, she's keeping her head about her quite well :blink: