I don't mean anyone here any disrespect.
These cars are problematic, to say the least.
Yes you can fix it yourself. But should you is the question.
There are so many ins and outs and things you can over look.
If you go into this build and rush it or cheap out.
You'll be doing it again, probably before the next oil change is due.
Coolant out of the tail pipe is not good.
Basically it means you're screwed.
The least you can hope to spend if you do a decent job that has a shot at holding is just shy 2 grand,
MK3 pimp is exactlly the kind of new guy telling people bogus trash that leads to them spending money to do it again. I wonder if he has a supra. Let alone one that can be driven.
I say what I say looking out for you. You have to LOVE this car.
You have to be passionate about it because it's going to make you jump through hoops. It's going to test your every ability as a mechanic.
If you're new. And haven't torn an engine down. It could be intimidating.
If it's not. You're probably messing something up even more so.
This is a great forum if you decide to take the blue pill.
CYF knows his stuff and is a good source. We aren't all always going to agree. But we can still respect and help one another. Sidewinder is a good source also. Matter of fact I am probably the most questionable source speaking. Decide for yourself.
You should think long and hard before you spend another dollar on the car.