Thread: Water pump
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Old 06-20-2008, 10:13 PM   #2
Bill UK
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Good question, AISIN manufacture for Toyota Motors, General Motors, Honda Motor Company and Nissan. The stock water pump has the name AISIN on the outside of the casting. So its very likely if you buy an AISIN pump it will be the same as the stock Toyota. Generally the stock pump is fairly reliable considering the amount of miles on the Supras now days, but its not uncommon for the impellors to disintegrate, which often happens on engines that have had a long history of a BHG. The coolant turns very acidic when mixed with combustion gases and over a period of time it will etch away the pump impellors. The Toyota pump cost about $200 in the UK where as the Quinton Hazell (the one in the pic) cost $72. As you can see the Toyota has a press steel impellors and the QH is made of much thicker cast steel. Not sure of the performance or reliability of the QH .I know many UK owners have used them without any problems. The replacement is quite straightforward; Drain the coolant, loosen off the alternator belt, remove the four fixing nuts holding the fan on and remove the fan. The pump is bolted on with an assortment of nuts/studs and bolts, just remember where they go when you refit the new pump and remember not to over tighten the bolts/studs they screw into soft ally. Sorry cant help with the other pump manufactures.

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