I think you need to look at one thing at a time, I can't see the water from the expansion bottle reaching the windshield, the over flow pipe points downwards it’s more than likely to spray the underside of the engine than come over the top. There are a few coolant pipes close the bulkhead, which I suppose if leaking could spray onto the windshield, the one coming from the top/rear of the cylinder head could be leaking under pressure defiantly worth checking. Gurgling behind the dash at start up is a symptom of air in the system, as you know. The most common cause is a leaking hose or BHG, if your satisfied that none of the hoses are leaking and the coolant level rises about 2 inch or more in expansion bottle after a 30 mile run then its possible you have a BHG. Having said that there are few other things worth checking or replacing; rad cap, thermostat and water pump all will contribute to the expansion bottle level rising to an excessive level. The quickest and cheapest way to detect a BHG in the UK is to take it to a MOT test station (I think you call it a Smog & Emission Check Station in the US.) They have the equipment to check for combustion gases in the coolant which is a five-minute job costing a few dollars its called a sniff test. Head gasket normally go between the combustion chamber and the coolant galleries that’s why you may never see any oil contaminated. The whitish blue smoke could be unrelated; I would go for the sniff test first.
PS: Forget the temperate gauge it only goes off the scale when you’ve nearly run out of coolant.