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Old 07-31-2005, 06:00 AM   #2
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 84
daiagaru2 is on a distinguished road

a whoosh sound and smoke from under the hood,this sound more like instantly blowing the head gasket,the water pump is more likely to blow bearings out than cause what you discribe.these cars are renound for head gasket problems,have the compression tested if the test comes back and there is a big discrepincy in the cylinder preasures and they are not in normal perameters the head gaket is blown,or the block is cracked in wich case you'd have to take the engine to a machinist to see what has to be done to make it work correctly if at all.machining the block deck surface and the head deck surface is crucial to properly repairing a bhg,also you'd have to include a new metal head gasket to complete the package torque to 72-75 ft lb.this will gaurantee a good "head job"if you have water in the plug holes try to use a wet dry vac to help you clean them out,if water is in the engine drain the oil and flush it out with new oil.i don't want you to panic,and by the way replacing the water pump is easy,but i doubt this is the root of the problem,unless the water pump failing lead to an over heating issue wich would blow the head gasket from the extreme heat that prolonge usage under such circumstancas would be cause such damage.if you want to get to the pluggs you have to gut it out and lable what hose goes were and remove the entire throttle body assembly,then and only then can you get to the pluggs.a valve cover gasket is not hard at all,you must know that you must remove the entire throttle body to remove the vave cover to replace the gasket,make sure to use liquid gaket maker to seal up the machine pressed steel at each end of the head.last advice invest in lots of tools,you will need them.hope this help, laters!
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