Originally Posted by 1993suprawr
yeah i've got lim slip differential, and yeah even 525hp is fine its basically for just highway rolls and like red lights and stuff not really gonna go street race for money and stuff just want it to be fast..and i wont be putting ppl at risk dont worry im mature enough to know the difference, i just want to know what upgrades i should do first and slowly add on what would u recommend doign first
First is BPU. Please read about it here:
MKIV.Com Home of the MKIV Toyota Supra
In short, BPU means a downpipe, a BCC, a boost controller, and a boost gauge. If your Supra isn't full BPU yet, you need to get it there. I know you have other mods like an fmic and an aftermarket air intake, but we need to start with the basics.
In addition to BPU, make sure your Supra is up to spec on all of the maintenance that is required in the owner's manual (and/or TSRM), based on the mileage.
Lastly, I still need ALL of these questions I asked answered: