i would only use toyota parts for the cap and thermostat .
i tired to stuff 2 elect fans onto mine too .. i took off the a/c fans and all the a/c i use (1) 14" perma cool elec fan and a 4 inch shroud made to fit around the fan , smack in the middle , i'm using a fluidyne radiator . i drove around yesterday for hours up and down all kinds of hills . it's seems great however i can never really relax...i always watch the gauge . i crap my pants once the temp gets to 190 degrees . the car seems to be a cold blooded beast . after the sun goes down and the temp cools off it will drop to 160 degrees . i get no bubbling or spitting but i refuse to run at water temps of 200 plus .. if it gets or starts to climb over 190 i start taking cool down action . use the heater--- coast all that patented supra cool down stuff . i'll pull over and chill for a second , i just can't handle driving above 190 .
you got some horse power behind the thinking on this problem hopefully we'll come up with the solution .