Now.. to bleed a clutch there are 2 basic ways to attack it... and the one I used dont work well.. Its different than a brake system, because if you use the "push down" while opening the bleed nipple, the clutch will go to the floor and stay there. Then you have to pull it up by hand. I, not knowing better, did it this way utilizing one of my boys for the push down/pull up. Probably the worst possible way to achieve this.
Also.. if your not bright like me.... and do this.. you have to press it down a few times and only open the bleeder nipple slightly or else all pressure falls down.
The correct way (which is discussed in the TSRM that I linked above) is to have a hose that fits over the bleed nipple and goes into a jar or bottle of brake fluid. That way, you can open up the nipple and pump it up and down to circulate the fluid through. It will blow the air out (dont do it rapidly) and cant suck air back in this way. BEST WAY!
My way took me an hour... and really sucked.. so I recommend what the TSRM says...
Now.. note that you need to keep an eye on the level in the Clutch master cylinder (shown below). Try to not let it go down below the half way mark or you could suck air down into it again...
(the clutch master cylinder is right near the driver side door against the firewall.. basically in line with the clutch pedal)
I let my reservoir run low as shown and had to begin again. Its a pain to do it wrong.. lol. Should have taken me only 30 minutes from start to finish.. but took me almost 2 hours cause my brain was on vacation...
A pic...
A question here... I started out with DOT3 Brake fluid (thats what the manual calls for) and then ran out. So, my wife picked up some DOT3 synthetic brake fluid, which I did not notice the synthetic part until afterwards. Shouldn't make a difference Im hoping...
Questions? : )