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Old 09-29-2008, 07:43 PM   #8
Supra Greg
3" Exhaust
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simple fact that 9 out of 10 times its not going to be flat... and need to be shaved to bring back to factory tolorances...

but ofcourse if you can clean it to a smooth surface and then check it for straitness and its only a few thousands out... then hell no dont shave it.

gasket scrapers and sand paper are a no no.... on aluminum heads.. even tho just about everyone uses them... right way is to have head hot tanked in solvants that will clean all the gasket and carbon off head with out scraping on it and gouging head....

Main thing on the 7mgte engines that i have seen is the blocks like to warp to...and around #6 on mine was way out... rest was fine...sept the whole block was acually warped at a angle towards the exhaust side..

Alot all depends on how the motor has be abused... Motors can run piss as hot several times.. say a hose blows... and still run fine after problem fixed ...they just will not last as long and will warp things..such as head...block ...exh manifold..

Now this is just my Opinun.. :} ive done a few head gasket jobs in my time..Id say hummmmm prob in neighbor hood of 400 or so...hell maybe lot more..
Mater fact GTI 1.8 turbo... gota pull head in morning.. timing belt broke... now it has 20 bent valves..and they use a mhg to...will cost US ruffly 700 to have head done at National cylinder head in o town...
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