Hey everyone... This is my first post on the forum, just wanted to introduce myself...
I'm from Toronto , Canada..have 89 Turbo white targa...
just came across this forum... i'm on a few other forums but never knew about this one...
anyways here is the issue..
I used to have an old school blitz BOV... which didnt seem to work at all ...and then a bit of a newer one which again didn't seem to go off...
I finally got the HKS SSQV blow off valve in and finally there is no faulty sound when it goes off.. (compared to the past 2 blitz ones) so i resolved that problem...
however now when the HKS went in , even when the car warmed up...it was really hard to keep it from stalling..i would drive and down shift into second and it would be turning off...
now lets to try eliminate the fact that it might be faulty BOV...because im 95% sure that its not...
maybe whats left is to open it up and see ...
what happened i found out also was when i put my hand over the front of the blow off valve...my engine starts to work normally again... it seems the BOV is leaking / taking air in from front.
heres the set up...dont mind the vacuum hose plugged in (its so my engine can run fine now temporarily)
thanks guys appreciate any help