we just got done running the Houston 24 hours of lemons!
We ran the Johansson brothers racing 86 supra (car # 09). car ran great - but we ended up with the sarah Palin penalty, and one of our guys hit (tapped) one of the clueless hundreds of spectators wandering around all over the place, motorhomes and trailers parked all skewampus all over the place! - kids on bikes, clueless wanderers etc - you couldn't get through the paddock to get fuel - or to your pits! anyway - we ended up with 2 hours of penalties - and finished 88 laps down! laps were 1:20 - 1:30 so we could have been top 5. Instead we ended up 18th.
Oh yah - we also got a pig welded to our roof, as a result of helping a young woman who stopped dead in the middle of a corner - because "she didn't know which way to go". we gently pushed her to the side of the track - thinking she had a mechanical, anyway - she took off onto the other course - got penalized 1.5 hours for being 1/2 mile away from the track - and she came in and cried and blamed us for shoving her off course! Geeze - we do a good deed - and get screwed for it!
We can't decide if we want to transport the vehicle back to California for the Dec lemons race at Willows - or just find and build another one so we have 1 staged in Cal. 1 in Kansas, and a 3rd one in Detroit. it's cheaper than shipping the cars around!
Carl Johansson
Last edited by carl johansson; 10-25-2008 at 09:03 PM.
Reason: more info