Thread: Overheating
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Old 08-03-2005, 02:53 AM   #31
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when it gets warm there was no difference in the temp between 180 or the 160 . I've used aftermarkets too
but it's nice to see it chill to 160 once in a while like at night
i figure why wait till it gets to 180 to open we know where this is going so open at 160 and get to work and thats why i stick with the 160.
i haven't spit a drop of fluid in years . do i beat on it and get it hot .. you bet .
in fact last years dyno runs were done after an 1hr and a half highway drive to the place
i haven't seen the hottest temp she'll go and i won't find out what that is 210 is /was tops i've seen on this gauge ..btw the stock shows normal at this temp
my gauge shows green from about 180 to 240 my head guy told me it should be able to handle that high . i'm not finding out . i used to use redliine's water wetter . and if it went to 210 i pee'd my pants thinkning the water would boil (red line isn't anitfreeze). im back on usual antifreeze type stuff have been all this (summer) year and i don't see much diffence between last yr with the redline stuff .
it gets hot here and very humid it's 10m and the temp is still 78 but the humidity is 78.5 % it sucks for boosting during the day it was in the 90's today .
i was hoping to find out what some other people were getting for known temps or highest seen temps .
supragirl says she flies at about 190 ish all the time thats what the books says too .. ha !

recovery time with the setup is nice and quick , if i do get to boostn and/or the temp starts to climb above 190 for whatever reason it will cool down pretty nice . 190 is it for me . the ride becomes "no fun" higher than 190 . i would love to have someone say they run at 210 all the time so i could chill .
i used a mechcanical temp gauge for a while but i ran the line too close to the exhaust downpipe which whacked the gauge ..
plus the downpipe developed cracks in the accordin flex part which gave me more flase positives . great time for the 3" downpipe and an electric sensor temp gauge .
people will say 160 is too cool and it is but it's not like 160 is hanging around for long . i'll get 160 on a cool morrning or night
the car runs great at 160 or 190 . i drive it everyday in the summer ..cept for rain i rarely bolt on the targa top
. my wife used to have a supra so i'm off the hook a little . the car is a dream to drive and i really wanted to kill the cooling issues so i could enjoy it . i did the same stuff you did i was so disgusted i replaced the engine thinking it had to be a cracked block after a few years of the same crap.
you like that internet address lookup thing huh ? it pisses off a few .. it's a keeper

sorry monkihead i know it's way past your "too much to read quota"
300+ RW HP Dyno run,
jdm,mod turbo,3"exh,electfan,greddyboost
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