Originally Posted by Humba
If you think qualifying and race, is there any way you could make the car to go little faster in qualifying so that 200mph could be done with a 100k budget? Or is the heat dissipation problem such that it is possible to drive only same speeds in quali than in race?
Honestly it depends on a lot, including how much of the work you do yourself. If you're going to dump it off at a go-fast shop and tell them you want an Mkiv TT that can roadrace at 200mph, they'll probably laugh if you say your entire budget for everything (including the car) is only $100K. However, if you're very careful (i.e. frugal) with part selection, you do tons and tons of research, and you do almost all of the work yourself, you don't care a lot how it looks (i.e. you don't mind if it doesn't show well, etc.)... then yes, you might be able to create such a beast for $100K-ish. Again, there are a LOT of variables in your quesition so in short, yes it is possible.