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Old 01-03-2009, 11:32 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Norway
Posts: 7
Nismo is on a distinguished road
Default 2JZ 180sx driftcar (LOTS of questions)

Hello i am currently building my nissan 180sx with a 2JZ from a Aristo and R154 tranny, and am hoping to get some pointers from you guys

I am looking for a reliable driftcar with 350-450 hp at the wheels...
Whitch turbo should i go for? How mutch can the stock aristo turbos handle? And how mutch can the US-spec`s handle?
I know the injectors, turbos and camshafts are not the best on the Aristoengine, but how can i get the power i need easy and without getting to mutch lag?
The easier the better (the engine has not arrived yet and i am hoping to get ready to drift in april)

What injectors do i need to get the power?
Is it top or sidefeed in Aristos?
High or low ohm?

What camshafts should i buy?

Do i need to buy a topkit to get it reliable? (heard that the 2jz top isnt the best from factory...)

I was hoping to get a Spec stage 3+ clutch but who sells this? And will a 2JZ flywheel & 1JZ clutch fit bolt-on?

Do i have to change the coils?

Is there anything else i should buy for this build?

I am going to:
*Change the water & oilpump.
*Fit a FMIC and oilcooler.
*Use a AEM engine managment system
*Mount AEM broadband lambda, greddy oil/watertemp and turbopressure-gauge
*Change the airfilter(s)
*Use a greddy profec B-spec II boostcontroller

I am pretty sure i am forgetting something now....

This was a lot of questions but i am hoping you guys can help me decide what to do.

PS: I know the R154 tranny isnt the strongest but the a160 is very expencive and difficult to get my hands on. How mutch can the R154 handle with drifting? The spec stage 3+ clutch is picked out because it isnt that violent with the tranny.

Sorry about my bad english writing

This is my driftcar:
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