Thread: Atf Iv
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Old 02-09-2009, 08:23 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default Atf Iv

I'm planning on draining the transmission fluid and power steering fluid and replacing it, obviously. This is from an automatic transmission. I bought an 89 Turbo about 3 months ago, with about 82,000 miles on it. I figure this is something easy to do and should probably be done. Here's my question. Is it o.k. to use ATF IV; this is from Toyota? My friend had some leftover when I helped him work on is IS300. I thought I read somewhere here that someone had problems with the steering when they used ATF III instead of ATF II. I also have another question. Sometime it appears that the power steering isn't working.....usually when I'm parallel parking....the wheel get hard to turn. Any ideas? I thought I'd go the less invasive route and change and bleed the system, first. Thanks.
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