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Old 03-12-2009, 03:32 AM   #8
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Muncie, IN
Posts: 86
Vacationtime247 is on a distinguished road

Yea, it wasn't meant to be perfect. Taking all that stuff off takes time and I wasn't striving to be meticulous. Just wanted it to look better than before. I'm fairly pleased with the results and the rustoleum will keep corrosion at bay and cleaning the engine gunk off now will be simple. Take it to the car wash and hose it all down. It was pressure washed before the paint went on. There is some texturing to some areas, but by in large it's much better than before.

In the bottom picture (i.jpg), of the interior, I'm planning on placing 3 gauges clustered together where the radio was. The 3 gauges will monitor, Temp, Oil Pressure and Voltage. I'll drill or cut out a hole to pass the probes and lines out to the engine. Such as the brass pressure hose for the oil, the flexible line for the engine temp and the voltage. I've made a lot of progress on this car already and have only had it for about a month.

Originally Posted by btwilson86 View Post
That engine bay does look alot better than any I've seen with the stock paint, although I think it would've been even better if you had taken everything off of the firewall and fenders. Especially your brake master cylinder and hoses.... Kinda makes it look a little hurried now.
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