It all started one year ago when my friends had taken his supra to get a full motor rebuild the guy who did it board out the cylinder wall .030 over. when he got the car and took it home it started to bug out when the turbo started to spool up later whe found out that it was sucking air from one of the air hoses, whe fix that then a few weeks later it happen again whe try lookin for the air leak but whe could'nt find it and after a while my friend kind of gave up on it and the car sat on his driveway for like a year.
Resently after a year of just sitting in his driveway I had ask him if he wanted me to check his car to see if i could find the air leak, so I did and found the air hose under the turbo ripped so whe went to the toyota deler and order the part. Whe put the part on check the oil added water and started the car the car turn on but the motor was kind off shaking alot if left at idle, so i just let the car idle and worm up when I just decided to check the oil while the car was running to see if nothing funny has happen... like water going into the oil to my surprice water had found its way into the oil

So my question is can water go in to oil other than just through the head gasket... like through the turbo cooling lines or will it be a bad head gasket that never had a good chance to seal right and some how it dried out. The motor freshly rebuild only saw about 300 to 500 miles befor it was abandon for one year without turning it on