the one piston melted is probably because the blown head gasket. the car probably ran too hot which can cause spark knock or pinging (pre ignition).. that can really raise the tempurature enough to melt the piston. as for the other ones looking like they were running rich.. i cant see all of them in the picture but maybe someone tried to stop the sparck knock by running rich? idk
yes people turbo non-turbo engines all the time.. but when they do they don't stick with stock ecu.. they atleast get something after market like some kinda chip specifically made to turbo that type of car or a different ecu to control the fuel etc. the turbo ecu and harness shouldnt be too much.. couple hundred dollars.. start saving while you are re-building the rest. look around the forums for people parting out their cars. call bunch of junkyards. u already got a great deal by getting the engine free.. you could trade the n/a ecu for the turbo one. or try to sell it for money. and part out anything working on the n/a engine that you wont be using for for some money and add it to your turbo funds.