Thread: idle problems
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Old 05-07-2009, 03:12 AM   #12
3" Exhaust
Join Date: May 2009
Location: WhiteBear
Posts: 54
dunewarz is on a distinguished road

Exhaust and muffler if new tend to have condensation (water vapors), it's okay to see some water come out of the tail pipe. The white smoke would mean it's a coolent problem. Have you checked your oil to make sure it's not milky? I can only think of three reasons why you would have white smoke coming out of your tail pipe. Head gasket going, coolent line connected wrong, or cracked or broken iscv.

I'd recheck the iscv and oil to make sure there's no problems there. Then check the coolent lines to make sure they are all connected to the correct place. There's a few manuals in the forums that show how the coolent lines go.

Hope you find the problem
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