Originally Posted by mandil23
jdm i have pics in my album of it iam getting one for the motor but i looked at the computer on it and the redlight is flashes when u try to crank the car but it goes off so im thinking it a wiring issue but idk yet
Your situation is somewhat unique due to your standalone (Autronic) ecu. I'm extremely confident in my recommendation that you need to get in touch with Autronic to help with the diagnosis. For example, if you've already tried two different USB/serical cables, and you know your laptop is not the problem, then it's likely your ecu has an issue.
As a reference, I'm also running an aftermarket, 'standalone' ecu in my Mkiv TT (an AEM). Before that I ran a Haltech. I've worked on several other Mkiv TTs with standalone ecus. Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on how you look at it) I've had to become intimately familiar with these types of issues.