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Old 05-15-2009, 03:22 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: PA
Posts: 26
Hiccups is on a distinguished road
Arrow Unreliable starting. (Problems starting)

((Sorry, I made the same post a few days ago and got a few answers, but I decided to make a fresh-more clear one. I was told to check the igniter coils, where exactly are they? And what do i look for?))

When I start it in the morning (or when it hasn't been run for the day), it will never start the first time. I can't remember if it ever has. BUT it will almost ALWAYS start the second try. Lately though, it seems to be having a harder time. It still starts the second turn over, but it almost sounds like its on the verge of dying (so i give ti some gas), but doesn't quite die. ITS definitely getting worse, and near dying.

Also, it will usually start if you turn it off and back on again quickly after its been running (but that could be expected).

I'm guessing this is gradual and eventually it wont start (then i might be able to diagnose the problem). But I cant really keep driving it till it dies...

BOTTOM LINE. It almost never starts after its been driven for 20 minutes, then stopped. If I wait a while, it usually starts (like 20 or more minutes tho). This leaves me stranded sometimes.

Has anyone else experienced this? Or do you think you know what it is?

(Its an 87 turbo btw)

Last edited by Hiccups; 05-15-2009 at 10:28 PM. Reason: Emphasize its getting worse...
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