Hi. I'm Paul. My friends and I have just entered into the 24 hours of Lemons in Connecticut. Our car is an 86 1/2 Supra non-turbo. The car WILL be great once we get it to start again. Hoping for some advice on its particulars. It was running when we got it. Someone took out the starter (to change it) and intake manifold (thought they needed to) and now it won't run. Initially we just thought it was a no-spark. Now it seems to be ECU related. Almost every single pin from the ECU has battery voltage present, regardless of key position. Fuel pump relay (buzzes like it's switching on and off), cold-start injector, main relay, and all dash lights come on any time the battery is attached. Odd! Needless to say, we need some help. Tomorrow we're planning to order a new (used) ECU for $30, unless we get some bright idea of another angle to go from. Please help us. By the way, if you're not familiar with the race O'm talking about, check out