Hey guys I'm new to the supra scene, so please forgive my ignorance and stupid questions...
Next year I will be getting a very large settlement from my insurance company due to an accident I was in last year. With some of that money I have decided to buy myself a nice car to drive for the summer

. Currently I am thinking about a Nissan S14 Silvia, but if I can afford it then I would definatly take a Supra. The major issue here is obviously the cost. I know that an S14 would be much cheaper in pretty much every catagory, But that's why I'm asking for your guys oppinions.
My number one concern is gas mileage. I know that depends on many factors but I don't plan to modify beyond simple things like intake and exhaust stuff, and I plan on driving it reasonably nice (if that's possible with a Supra

). What do you think I could expect to get for mileage and how much do you usually pay to fill these beasts up?
The next concern is reliability. Once again I am aware this depends on certain factors but like I said above I plan to treat this car very nicely.
And the last thing is the modifications. I have heard that the stock intercooler is a pos so that would probably be the first thing to replace, followed by a radiator and possibly an oil cooler... Basically I want to build it to be as reliable and fuel efficient as possible.
Any tips or advice you guys could throw at me would be much appreciated
Sorry for being such a noob...