Thread: 1jzgte Swap
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Old 06-09-2009, 02:23 AM   #8
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Western NY
Posts: 3
supra901JZ is on a distinguished road

I have a question bout a swap. i just put a 1jz in my 90 supra and have been anxiously awaiting to hear it run however it turns over strong but wont start. i just replaced the fuel pump thinking that was the problem and after all the work to drop the tank i still came up with the same result. just curious if you would have any pointers or suggestions as to what it might be.
Originally Posted by supradaddy0803 View Post
By the way Nate car looks nice. On the subject of your question I have been there done that and Nate has to it would be easier to buy one that has already done the swap much cheaper. I will honestly say I bought my car for 1400 and invested a lot into it to go 1J on one hand it is worth it on the other it would be easier to start with a 89+ than with a 87 because of the differing mount issue. Another question I have for you is how mechanically savy are you because if you have someone do it for you then they are going to litterally rape you in the butt with a pine cone. The labor involved is decent and most places will charge 50 dollars a hour or more. Once I had all of the parts for mine it was a a few days worth of work in itself.
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