Originally Posted by bahamutmaster
ok, so here i am, plodding along, car is doing great after a head gasket job. did everything right on the head gasket and i know i didnt blow the head gasket cuz it wasnt blowing white smoke or anything. what did happen was i was doing 70 on the highway and out of nowhere, the car stopped accelerating. it just rolled to a stop. afterwards it didnt want to start up. it just turned over and did nothing. so i was wondering, what could it be? ithought it might be my ignition coil, my fuel pump, or my timing belt. anyone have any ideas? 
That's a good start you can also try checking your plugs I have had cars stop running all of the sudden and it was the plugs, besides the #3 gasket has a tendancy of leaking out oil into the plugs and fowling them out. It's a 14mm hex key by the plugs.