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Old 06-18-2009, 02:05 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: PA
Posts: 26
Hiccups is on a distinguished road
Default Two simple questions. Please help.

1. I just bought a timing belt. The other timing belts I looked at included the timing belt AND a tensioner (too adjust it i guess). DO I need a new tensioner or not? I bought a Gates Racing belt (high quality one), and none of gates seemed to come with tensioners. Are tensioners needed? A garage will do the replacing. Would they have one? Ive never replaced one, so I wouldn't know.

2. My car is a 87 turbo with about 99,000 miles on it. Im not aware if the head gasket has been replaced. Wouldn't it have gone already? Or do some make it this far?
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