Thread: Supra Down
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Old 06-25-2009, 08:52 PM   #13
12psi boost
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Georgia
Posts: 359
mirage83 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by GettaRobo View Post
Just as a heads up... When you start to get into that A/C stuff, it gets quite expensive. I was told at the stealership that if there were to do a conversion to the newer refrigerant, it would cost me $700 CAD. Definitely not a cheap thing to do.
You were about to get ripped my friend. No way it should cost that much for a straightforward conversion. Unless you had hardware that legitimately needed replacing they were going to charge you for replacing hardware that didn't really have to be replaced for that conversion.

New seals, new expansion valve, new receiver/dryer, new lines optional, and the necessary 134a and it's oil shouldn't be anywhere near what they were quoting you.
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