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Old 07-01-2009, 08:26 PM   #7
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Seattle Washington
Posts: 4
Nobahd is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Isphius View Post
Best used car guide ive ever read lol. I dont think anyone else will even need to post on it...Except for, Dont be too excited by the acceleration to not notice anything else. I went to test drive a camaro SS, And was so excited that it went from 10-70 in about 3 seconds(the guy was crazy, who gives keys to a 350(plus mods) hp car to a 19 year old driving a supra??) i didnt realize the CEL was on untill i parked it, And then in the trunk all the stock parts sat. Cam, ecu, maf, some unknown sensors(neveer worked on an ls1), stock intake manifold, And it def had an aftermaket exhaust. Def good reasons it had a CEL on lol. My real point, Dont buy a modded car. lol. Make sure all the parts are stock, Or that you at least get all the stock parts and ask the guy exactly what he did. The best part of the test drive was the look on my GFs face when i gunned it. From talking to WHOAAA and big eyes. Best moment of my life.
ya man i think u just got a fucked up supra ive raced a 06 Sicon XB and theres no comparason i have a 88 turbo 5 speed supra wiht just ecu, intake, exhaust done and i rarly find your everyday car that can keep up thnk the only problem i run into is STI turbos but i am running 140k on a 21 year old car
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