I would be more concerned as to whether the car could handle the extra heat generated by the A/C. As far as I know, know one races the car with the A/C on. The drag caused by the pulleys are so minimal as to almost be non existant. Now the A/C being on is another story and the further you wind up the engine the more pressure that builds up in the A/C system and more horsepower drag.
If you want to cut weight there are better ways to go, but if it never gets hot where you live then take it out! Find a different rear end gear for the car and put better cams in it. I still can't believe that the intake goes from a beautiful oval shape in each of the intake ports, to a 3 inch hole to suck air in. Never understood why no one ever built a better system for that part. A triple Webber setup would make that engine fly!
Check out the Supramania site and figure out what they do to make power. Removing the A/C is last on their list unless they are looking for a tenth of a second.
Just my 2 cents..........Russ