Me and a friend got the car apart and back together today. Surprisingly enough, the fan was the major problem. Step one ended up taking us 90% of the time. The crank pulley just involved a very large metal pipe, and everything else including replacing the water pump went just fine. The fan clutch and old water pump are still connected with the pulley in between. They WILL NOT budge, no matter what it seems. The bolts are not only undone, but then removed. Not even a big hammer seems to be able to fix this problem. I will be getting another one on it tomorrow morning though, so it will be all better. The a/c belt is on, and I started the car to just make my self feel better since it was running, and the noise is pretty bad. I am not 100% if the a/c works either, will test more tomorrow when I can run the car for more than 30 seconds.