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Old 07-02-2009, 10:20 AM   #8
walbro fp
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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Originally Posted by Nobahd View Post
ya man i think u just got a fucked up supra ive raced a 06 Sicon XB and theres no comparason i have a 88 turbo 5 speed supra wiht just ecu, intake, exhaust done and i rarly find your everyday car that can keep up thnk the only problem i run into is STI turbos but i am running 140k on a 21 year old car
lol.. Yeah.. I got beat by a STI... but if I put that kind of money into my 88 MKIII... he wouldnt come close to me.

Definitely check the wheel wells. Mine has rust holes in them and when I drive in rain.. it fills up the rear quarter panel. Didnt even think to check it when I bought the car.. only way I found out was I had a leak in the filler tube to the gas tank. Also.. take the spare tire out and look at the storage area for rust as well. Then take a close look at the weather stripping, your not gonna want it leaking all over the place.

The other thing I can think of to check is.. tell them that you will be there at 5:00 pm and show up at 4:00 pm.. and just say.. whoops..

My car blows blue (which isn't necessarily bad) when it starts cold sometimes. Not sure what is causing it, but its not using oil, so I dont worry. But.. I would have noticed it had the car not been started prior to me getting there to test drive it. Luckily, the guy had all the bills, etc.. and the engine only had around 7k miles on the rebuild. I paid 6k for mine (and had it appraised.. it came to 6k - this is Canada) and have it insured so that if it gets wiped.. I get the appraised value. Also.. a nice little tip. Check to see if you can get antique insurance on it (we can in Alberta). The stipulation is that you don't use it for a business and you dont drive over 5000 miles a year here. Only costs me 79.00 for full coverage per year. HUGE savings.. lol.
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