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Old 07-02-2009, 06:40 PM   #5
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Well the battery had plenty of juice and when I tried to start it, it would turn over but there was no ignition. So I thought maybe the fuel pump went. But when I had the key in the ON position for the tell tale light tests, all of them lit up except for the CEL, and the TRAC OFF light would flash.

So without a CEL I could not read any codes. I was 99% sure the bulb hadn't burned out so I figured it was an electrical problem with the ECU circuit. The fuses weren't blown so I decided to swap the main relay with the fog light one which I rarely use. After that when I turned the key on the CEL light came on and the TRAC OFF light stopped flashing. The car started right up.

However the fog lights still work with the relay I swapped so I don't know if the relay just has a weak spring or what. I'm thinking of replacing all 4 relays in that group with new ones incase it happens again while I'm taking a corner because I don't wanna end up in the ditch with loss of power steering.
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