2JZ 180sx driftcar (LOTS of questions)
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07-14-2009, 08:33 PM
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Norway
Posts: 7
The swap was complete in the beginning of May, but after the startup i found out that the engine had to be overhauled.
And after that i started it up again only to find out that the turbos was fucked. Changed the turbos, and then one of the injectors never closed so there came "a bit" of petrol in the exhaust.
And i have built the car to be LHD with the use of a pedalbox, the brakecylinders was too big and now i have purchased smaller cylinders, hoping it will work properly now.
Some pics:
This is only some of the pics i have taken during the build. There is a lot more to this build than the pics are showing.
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